Friday, July 1, 2011


Discussions about altering the paths of the earth to allow for our need for energy and connectivity have not included much of the dialogue of the people whose lives are intimately connected to the land. How can we be more cohesive as a planet and less fueled by rapid development and finance? 

I looked around the tent at Terra Madre and saw a lot of electricity and technology being used. Sometimes the lights were on when they didn't need to be. Actually, during the midnight sun there's very little use to have the lights on. In the middle of the night when I was reading - didn't need a light. Something purifying about that much natural light.

Today, my sister, Sheila Pruden's posting on facebook was, "
  • Is sad for the land to be flooded by the Lower Churchill Dam in Labrador. Keep filling your pockets and to hell with the consequences.
    6 hours ago ·  · 
    • You like this.

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